Monday, January 21, 2013

Photo-of-Interest Monday: Bacon-topped Yang Chow

I was really hungry the day I took this photo. Also, a bit sick if I recall correctly. Normally, I'd rather not partake in food while under the weather but my favorite kind of fried rice from my one of favorite restaurants was at hand and I hadn't eaten anything else either.

My parents had left me to my own devices because of errands they had to run. Of course, they left me the fried rice and some other food too, but I was craving something greasy. A light bulb dinged to life in my head as I remembered the last pack of bacon we had in the freezer.

In quick succession, I defrosted and cooked the bacon, placed the fried rice in a bowl, then topped it with crispy bacon.

Alone in the house and not having to worry about propriety, I wolfed the thing down and became another notch on the blissfully fed and satisfied tally board. I was one happy female and I forgot about being sick.

I guess I could say that sometimes the cure for sickness is really awesome food. 

This has been a Monday post brought to you by The Purple Madhouse.

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