Monday, December 3, 2012

Photo-of-Interest Monday: All Up the Moon

Back in college, I would always jump on the chance to be part of the annual Stargazing night organized by the Science Club. It was a chance for me to hang out with my best friends in an fun yet educational circumstance and, most importantly, learn more about the heavens.

This shot was taken through one of  the telescope the astrologist brought with him. I was very excited to have one of these shots that I was the very first in line to peer through the telescope. I never forgot the wonder and the awe of that night. I thought, "What would be like up there?" For the rest of that night, as we waited for clearer skies and played cards and laughed, I contemplated on the chance to live on the moon. Of course in my imaginings my inability to breathe in outerspace was irrelevant, the appeal was to be closer to the stars and the planets. 

What if we were all able to just travel through space and visit all those vast and wonderful galaxies? Will all the time in the world be enough to see those places? 

The Earth, even the moon, is just a speck to the vastness of the universe. What less are we? In the face of such greatness, how would you be able to deny that there is something greater than all of us?

This has been a Monday post brought to you by The Purple Madhouse.

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