Wednesday, December 12, 2012

On Tea Drinking

I adore tea. I'd gladly have it as my only drink for the rest of my life. I'm currently trying to grow my tea collection but, unfortunately, variety in tea here in the country is limited. I could always order online but as I am limited to funding as well, I may have to just bide my time as far as my tea collection goes.

Tea can do many things. Many teas have properties that can do various things. Green tea keeps you healthy. Camomile helps you relax. Yerba Mate can be an alternative to coffee and keeps you awake and energized. Lavender tea aids you in finding sleep. Like I said, tea can do a many things.

Besides it's many helpful attributes, I believe that tea is a safe kind of social lubricant. It brings people together, i.e. tea and cookies with friends or family. I like the idea of sitting across the table from someone, sharing conversation over hot tea. It just seems so... homey. Ideally, I'd like to get my closest friends together, have tea with them and just talk but most of friends aren't tea drinkers. One can still hope though.

Tea is my companion. Lemon tea while I'm writing. Camomile tea as I read a really good book. Earl gray with milk as I'm starting my weekend morning. For someone like me who enjoys their own company, tea has become the drink of choice.

This has been a Wednesday post brought to you by The Purple Madhouse.

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