Friday, December 9, 2011

In which I discover I am pretty handsy

I have discovered that I enjoy being crafty with my hands. Something about working and creating something hand-made makes me feel all accomplished-like and oddly peaceful.

Before, creativity with my hands was limited to pen, paper, and the stories or poems I dream up but now I have branched out to other creative, albeit more tedious, but nonetheless fun work. 

I plan on doing more artsy, crafty projects and I see the need to have an Artsy Kit for my tools and materials. It's important to have tool kit of some sorts for these kinds of things. Keeps everything all organized and you tend to not end up like a chicken with its head cut off while running around looking for stuff you need.

Here are two projects I am currently working on:

One is what's called Yarn Letters which I found on this lovely site,

It may look simple enough but it does involve a lot of work and time depending on the words you want to form. Since I'm doing something Christmas themed, I decided to do "Happy Christmas." 

Yup. 14 letters. I've only just formed the "Happy" section and it took me a day just to form the letters out of cardboard and lots of tape.

If click through the link where I got this litter project, you'll see all the materials needed as well as instructions, so go check it out. Like I said, it's simple but it just takes time, so be patient while working on it and you're sure to love the end result.

I've also started on my Purple Desk Project in which I repaint my desk with my favorite color. I'm doing all the works - sanding, painting on primer, the actual painting. But it seems the weather isn't inclined to let me continue with the project. Cold weather isn't exactly your friend when your doing a paint job. The ideal color I want for the desk is more along the shades of plum and turns out I actually have to have this color mixed because there is no available ready color from any of the paint brands we have here. To give you an idea of what Plum looks like here are some sample images from and your reliable Google search engine:

With work as a web writer, I don't get much time to do my projects until the weekend but hopefully I'll be able to get half-way through the Yarn Letters this weekend and once the weather lets up I'll be able to start putting primer on my desk drawers.

Lastly, I encourage all of you out there (if anybody ever reads this blog) to pursue creative endeavours. It keeps you stress-free which keeps you happy, and when you're happy, I think you live longer.

Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing,
taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, 
and having fun."
- Mary Lou Cook

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