Friday, May 24, 2013

The Risk of Change

How do you know it is time to let people go? Is it ever the right thing to do? And how will it affect, well, everything? Admit it or not, these questions have popped up in our minds at some point and they are hard to answer; scary, even. It really is rooted on the theme of change, which is something that most of us are wary of. It is not something that everyone necessarily embraces at once and some like to take their time with change.

Change, however, is a sign of growing and of moving forward, at least in its positive sense.  Just the same, change has its downside. Things could change for the worst or, as we all would hope it would, be for the better. Fear or not, change is inevitable and it does us well to risk it because the chance of something better is worth it.

So risk letting people go, especially if it does not serve you to have them with you. In this life, it is instinct to thrive and be a better version of yourself every single day that you live and breathe and do. So why keep hold of the anchors whose purpose is to drown you? There is a vastness of people who can be catalysts for good in life and isn’t that so much better than tying yourself to burdens?

Letting go is as difficult for many as it is easy for some. But sometimes you have to let go of people because they are toxic. They warrant neither happiness nor growth for your being. At some point we have to say enough is enough and that they cannot keep taking and taking until we are but empty versions of ourselves.

Seek out the change that brings you more of the magnificent things in life. Are we not wired for that in the first place? It should be with all the greatness of our efforts that we strive for happiness in whatever form they may be to us but also keeping in mind that our happiness should not hinder another’s.

As you let people go, so should you welcome the company of others and surround yourself with those who do well for you and you can do well for. End a vicious cycle of toxicity and embrace a synergy of a happy, risk-worthy life.

1 comment:

  1. who or what will you be letting go / risking change for, jade?:)
