Thursday, May 9, 2013

Left Out

Sometimes you will feel left out.

You will ask yourself, "What did I do?" There are different answers to that posed question. You could've been ignorant to some faux pas previously done. You might've said something inappropriate, on purpose or otherwise. It might not be often but the switch to the colossal asshat part of your personality might've been turned to "on."

Or, and I can't say enough how common this is, you have done nothing wrong and the people around you are just wrapped up with themselves.

As people are different so are their lives. Varying days will be a jumble of things and people will deal with it their own way. In your eyes it may seem like they are ignoring you, but as "interesting" or as "funny" as your day may be going, people will always be focused on their end of the life spectrum.

So chin up. Attention is not all that it's cracked up to be. There is no guarantee that tomorrow will be any different yet carry on and don't take things personally.

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