from asofterworld.com
I'd like to think that it wouldn't matter whether or not my partner likes to read but then I think how they won't completely understand my awe of the new book I'm reading or that they won't be able to relate to my reminiscing of the classics I got lost in when I was young. Reading, in my opinion, offers this opportunity of rapport between people, a jump of point of interests that becomes fodder to meaningful conversation and thought-provoking debate that, for someone such as I, look for in a relationship.
I relate to someone more if they share my love of books and reading; it's not to say that I prefer their company over non-readers, it's just that I find it easier to relate to fellow bookworms because I already have something in common with them. Translating that into a dating situation, meeting and conversing with someone for the first time whose reading repertoire extends to more than textbooks allows me to have a good time because I know that the date won't be mundane and I know that my mind will be stimulated. Stimulate my mind and you'll be able to stimulate my heart (among other things *wink,wink*).
So I like a well-read person. That's not a crime. We all have our standards in attraction. I don't think one has to have a vast library stereotypical of your standard bookworm. But I think it is important to appreciate what a good book can offer and be open to give a book a chance to change your mind about reading.
This has been a Wednesday post brought to you by The Purple Madhouse.
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I agree, 95% of the time. The other 5% are for those times where they don;t really read books but you connect with them somehow. :D