Wednesday, November 28, 2012

On Virginity and Sex

Virginity is quite a subject. On one hand, you are teased, even ridiculed, for being one, and on the other you are revered for being novel in a world where sex has become mainstream.

Most religions impress upon the importance of abstaining from carnal pleasures, wait for marriage, they say. Sometimes implying, and sometimes rather blatantly, that being a virgin makes you better than those non-virgin types obviously having sex all the time (I hope the sarcasm wasn't missed there).

I think people just get too invested on other people using their naughty bits for the purpose of fornication. As I am not tied to any religious beliefs, I'm fine with people having sex, as long as it's consensual and that  they very much understand what sex can mean to them and their partner. Mind you, your significance of sex can be different from others. And of course, don't be an idiot, use protection. The modern age is abundant with it.

Being a virgin is no big deal either. It just means you've never had sex and, for the ladies, that your hymen is intact, although sometimes that's not the case, especially for the athletic type. For me, it doesn't mean that you should be held at a different light, positive or negative, just because you are one. It's neither a good nor a bad thing; it's just simply being. 

This has been a Wednesday post brought to you by The Purple Madhouse.

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