Sunday, November 10, 2013

Who Likes Being at Their Worst?

There’s something not quite right about “If you can’t accept me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.” Taken into this context, to me it sounds like a flimsy and ridiculous excuse when we've been atrocious to someone – a lover, a friend, family. Subscribing to this particular paradigm apparently leave us entitled to be cruel and generally shitty to people, especially people you care about and share the same sentiment towards you. It’s almost like a get out jail free card.

There is also a tinge of selfishness. I can’t imagine taking meanness from anyone in stride just as I don’t expect anyone to take crap from me. We cannot assume that people will understand why we are (to them) inexplicably sad or angry or negative. It’s not how relationships work. Everything connects and ripples. We have to remember that it is never only about us and our immediate world.

Another thing: (over)acting the victim and victimizing other people because of it. Imagine the worst thing we are capable of. Would we want to be at the end of that?

Granted any circumstance, there is no reason to be colossal asshat for an extended period of time. I mean, what if our worst is just such a piece of work? We can’t expect people to stick around for that. Sometimes we have to own up to our actions and deal with what it leads us to.

Think about it: our worst can trump our best. It wouldn't matter what else we did, how much we apologized. We can’t rewind time and we end up living with the consequences.

Maybe we should try being our best even at our worst. I’m not sure how that will work out but really… who likes to be at their worst? I know I don’t. 

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