I was once told to take care of stepping on other people's toes. It was reasoned to me that it is universally unappreciated and that its figurative form is most dangerous. Watch your step, they say. Better safe than sorry. It is akin to being in the path of a venomous snake and one wrong move could mean your life (or, as with the human species, it could also mean your reputation, dignity, money, family, friends, and whatever a person may hold dearly significant).
Like a snake that strikes to deliver poison, a person of a vindictive nature can cause damage if you unwittingly cross his path. Step on this person's toes and you just signed yourself up for disaster.
It won't even matter if circumstances made you unaware of your actions, all they see is that you have slighted them, and hell hath no fury like painful toes connected to a vengeful mind. Sometimes, no matter how much care you take walking the straight and toeless line, you will at some point deviate.
Precaution can be the way of course, but protection helps, too. Invest in a thicker armor. Fortify your mind and heart from fangs and barbs that will try to latch on to you. Be prepared to strike back when need be. You are nobody's punching bag. Watch your step, yes. Just make sure that they watch theirs as well.
Like a snake that strikes to deliver poison, a person of a vindictive nature can cause damage if you unwittingly cross his path. Step on this person's toes and you just signed yourself up for disaster.
It won't even matter if circumstances made you unaware of your actions, all they see is that you have slighted them, and hell hath no fury like painful toes connected to a vengeful mind. Sometimes, no matter how much care you take walking the straight and toeless line, you will at some point deviate.
Precaution can be the way of course, but protection helps, too. Invest in a thicker armor. Fortify your mind and heart from fangs and barbs that will try to latch on to you. Be prepared to strike back when need be. You are nobody's punching bag. Watch your step, yes. Just make sure that they watch theirs as well.